Diversity is worth a lot. Because it is important!
For us, Pride Month is not only in June. Women don't just work for us because of a quota. We are not only against discrimination and intolerance of any kind when it is the media trend. With conviction, we are pro-diversity every day. Because it is important. We accept everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, religious views, ethnic and social origin, and we do not accept intolerance.
That is why we have embedded non-negotiable core values in our mission statement. The values of respect, appreciation, community and equality give us orientation - internally and externally and form our foundation.

Professional media is diverse
Still, many involved in advertising and content marketing believe that audiences are basically the same as they were fifty years ago and strikingly homogeneous. Studies show otherwise: more and more people are openly identifying as LGBTQIA+. And the potential audience becomes even larger when you consider that LGBTQIA+ also have friends*, acquaintances, and family members who are also interested in the topic.
For us, diversity means that no one is excluded anymore. But diversity also brings new topics, perspectives and stories instead of the same old clichés. We show our customers that professional media are versatile and offer workshops for interested parties around German Diversity Day and beyond.
"The Charta der Vielfalt promotes
the recognition, appreciation and integration of diversity in business culture.
When organisations make use of their employees’ diversity,
they boost their success and are attractive employers."
(source: https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/en/)
As iq digital, we are a convinced member of the Diversity Charter and stand for diversity in the working world!