Openness, respect and community
In light of the revelations about a meeting at which the millions of expulsions of citizens and refugees from Germany were openly discussed, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets in recent weeks to set an example for freedom and diversity.
Including companies and associations.
Because we all know that: Openness to the world, respect and community are values that make Germany not only a country worth living in, but also an economically strong one. The German economy thrives on exports. Local companies span global networks and rely on the internationality of their workforce.
Populism, nationalist and right-wing extremist ideas are therefore not only damaging to democracy, but also to the economy. Whether top researchers, skilled workers or nurses - Germany needs people from all over the world who enjoy living and working here.
Our appeal is therefore: take a stand and join us in standing up for freedom, diversity and a welcoming culture. Become part of our campaign "#ZUSAMMENLAND - Vielfalt macht uns stark!" (#TOGETHERLAND - Diveristy makes us strong) in the country's largest quality media.
The most important insights at a glance:
The “Reputation Impact” study provided a broader scientific perspective on the effect on communication at the interface of media reputation, ad assessment and brand assessment. The study participants assessed various ad motifs in quality environments, selected comparison media and unbranded control environments. The results show a marked uplift from the quality media brands of REPUBLIC and iq digital: